Legal Materials on Tibet
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Italian Parliament Commission of Foreign Affairs Motion on Tibet (1989) [p.323]



ROME, APRIL 12, 1989

The Commission of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Parliament reassembled on April 12, 1989 under Presidentship of Mr. Flaminio Piccoli, has approved a modified version of the motion presented on March 12, 1989 by parliamentarians from different parties. The following is approved text:

The Commission of Foreign Affairs urges the Italian Government

1) To inquire about the present situation in Tibet,

2) Undertake any possible action in order to put an end to human rights violations and environmental damages and to come, as soon as possible to a pacific solution of the Tibetan problem, in the respect of the necessary autonomy of this area together with the safe guard of Beijing interest as regards foreign policy and the defenses of Chinese People's Republic,

3) To take active part in order to resolve this very delicate question not only in the qualified international offices but in the context of the political, economical and bilateral cooperation between Italy and the Chinese People's Republic.

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