Legal Materials on Tibet

German Parliament Resolution on Tibet (1996) [p.321]


BONN, JUNE 20, 1996

Improving the Human Rights Situation in Tibet

Since the resolution of the German Federal Parliament passed on 15 October 1987 by all Parliamentary Groups in common, the human rights situation in Tibet has not improved, but has further deteriorated. This became particularly clear at the hearing of the Foreign Affairs Committee on Tibet held on 14 June 1995.

Commencing with the Chinese invasion in 1950 and its inhuman military actions, the forcible oppression of Tibet and of its striving for political, ethnic, cultural and religious self- determination has persisted until today. The continued Chinese policy of repression in Tibet has resulted in severe human rights violations, environmental destruction as well as massive economical, social, legal and political discrimination of the Tibetan population and ultimately in the sinisation of Tibet. Thereto it must be added in particular the denial of equal education opportunities for the Tibetan population.

One example for the obstruction of the religious life of the Tibetans is the kidnapping of the boy who was designated by the Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama and the installation of a second Panchen Lama by the Chinese authorities.

The Dalai Lama has been striving for years to obtain a peaceful dialogue with the Chinese government. The German Federal Parliament

1. In view of the fact that in its entire history Tibet has preserved an independent ethnical, cultural and religious identity,

2. deeply concerned that this independent identity has been threatened by destruction since the Chinese action by brutal force of arms in 1950,

3. taking into consideration that in the hearing of the German Federal Parliament on 19 June 1995 the status of Tibet, according to international law, has remained contentious among the experts,

4. considering that it is the policy of the Federal Republic of Germany to support the realization of the right to self- determination worldwide and that Tibet's legitimate claim for autonomy arises from its historic-legal situation,

5. in view of the fact that the Federal Republic of Germany has to follow the policy not to accept the unlawful use of force as well as massive human rights violations, and the fact that human rights violations in Tibet are nevertheless continuing,

6. deeply concerned about the reports according to which a six- year-old Tibetan boy, Gendhun Choekyi Nyima, as well as his parents were abducted by the Chinese authorities only a short time after the Dalai Lama had designated him as the most recent reincarnation of the second most important leader of Tibet, the Panchen Lama, deceased in 1989,

I. condemns the policy of the Chinese authorities which, especially concerning Tibet, leads to the result of the destruction of its identity, particularly by way of the settlement and influx of a great number of Chinese newcomers, forced sterilization of women and forced abortion, political, religious and cultural persecution and the subordination of the country under a Chinese controlled administration;

II. requests the Federal Government to increase its efforts to the affect that

- the Government of the People's Republic of China respect the human rights which are accepted worldwide and stop the human rights violations against Tibetans,

- the Chinese authorities see to it that Gedhun Choekyi Nyima and his family are released forthwith and permitted to return to their home village,

- the Chinese Government discontinue any policy that may lead to the destruction of the Tibetan culture, such as the systematic settlement of Chinese in great numbers in order to push back the Tibetan population, and the persecution of representatives of the Tibetan culture,

- the Government of the People's Republic of China react positively to the efforts of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government-in-Exile for a constructive dialogue and negotiate about more rights for the Tibetan people,

- the economical, social, legal and political discrimination of the Tibetan population be abolished,

- all political prisoners in Tibet be released,

- Tibetans living abroad may be allowed to return freely,

- the situation of the human rights in Tibet be the subject of particular attention and critical discussion at the meetings of the UN Human Rights Commission also in the future,

- the means of development cooperation used in Tibet benefit the Tibetans, and the Tibetan people be granted appropriate education opportunities,

- a stop be put to the environmental destruction in Tibet,

- increased attention be paid to the desire of the Tibetan people to preserve the Tibetan culture and religion, and he domains be ascertained where the German people and the Federal Government can render assistance,

- in consultation with the United Nations Commissioner's Office for Refugees there be investigations to see which relief actions are required to preserve the cultural identity of the Tibetan refugees in particular,

- an effective contribution be rendered to the education of Tibetan trainees, particularly by granting an appropriate number of scholarships for German training and education institutions,

- the aforementioned principles and measures be accepted and implemented also within the European Union.

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