Sign the petition to save Tibet case in Spanish Courts!

Tibet’s strongest bid for justice – an international legal case against prominent Chinese leaders – is at real risk of being thwarted by the Chinese Government through political pressure.
Please sign this petition to keep the case safe:
The case is in the Spanish High Court, and accuses Chinese leaders – including recent ex-Prime Minister of China Hu Jintao – of crimes against the Tibetan people, including torture and genocide. In October 2013, China’s recent Prime Minister Hut Jintao was indicted and in November 2013 the same court issued arrest warrants for four other ex-Chinese leaders accused within the same criminal case, including former President Jiang Zemin and former Prime Minister Li Peng. China is desperate that this goes no further and is putting huge amounts of pressure on the Spanish government to change its own laws – the same that were used in the Pinochet trial – in order to stop the case.
This would be a huge blow to Tibetan hopes of justice, but also to the rule of law and would set a terrible precedent for China’s intervention in countries’ sovereign independence.
You can help by urging Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy to stand up for the rule of law and democracy by signing the petition: