Marking the Anniversary of Tibet’s Independence Proclamation

On February 13, 1913 the XIIIth Dalai Lama issued the Tibetan proclamation of Tibetan independence. At a time of political instability in neighbouring China, Tibetans chose February 13, 1913 to re-assert their independence to Chinese leaders and the world. To mark the centenary of this key date last year, Tibet Justice Center released an updated report “The Case Concerning Tibet”, which clearly lays out the evidence and arguments for Tibet’s sovereignty and the Tibetan people’s right to self-determination – issues just as pertinent now as they were at the time of the report’s first release in 1998. Since 1998 new evidence has come to light that only strengthens Tibet’s case to historical sovereignty, and we have included this information in the update. For those with less time, our briefing paper on sovereignty summarises the issue.
Download the full updated report