Human Rights Action Plan for Tibet

On September 23, 2014 members of the Tibet Advocacy team including TJC’s Iona Liddell, supported by Boston University’s International Human Rights Law Clinic launched our New ‘Human Rights Action Plan for Tibet’ at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva.
The Human Rights Action Plan for Tibet is a recommendation monitoring tool with indicators to measure successful implementation in Tibet. The crisis in Tibet has been perpetuated by region specific-policies, to the detriment of Human Rights Defenders, language rights, education, nomads and cultural rights. Improved human rights standards in Tibet would be a sign of positive change across China. Tibet is a litmus test for real change in China.
We presented the action plan and encouraged NGOs and diplomats to join us in using it as a diplomatic “road map to better days in Tibet.” We also raised concern about the harsh sentencing of prominent Uighur scholar and human rights defender Ilham Tohti and rebutted the Chinese delegation’s claims that there is no issue with nomads or human rights defenders.
Watch the panel event here –
The panel included Tibet human rights advocates and UN treaty body experts: Tsering Tsomo (Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, India), Prof. Susan Akram (Boston University School of Law), Iona Liddell (Tibet Justice Center; Tibet Advocacy Coalition), Padma Dolma (Students for a Free Tibet; Tibet Advocacy Coalition). Mr. Marco Pannella (former member of the European Parliament and President of the Nonviolent Radical Party – NRPTT) joined to give a closing speech, where he spoke out against the attempts made by the Chinese government to prevent the event going ahead and to threaten the NRPTT.
The event was hosted by the Nonviolent Radical Party Transnational and Transparty and organised by the Tibet Advocacy Coalition (International Tibet Network, Tibet Justice Center and Students for a Free Tibet)
Read the Press Release here –